Tuesday, September 28, 2010

9.0 Coming out with a solution

It was visibly stated that the original target audience is not clearly clarified as they don’t do any promotions to tackle certain target audience and such. Any people could just walk in and eat base on their unique recipe and delicious food provided. Their objective is still not clear enough thus the slow progress on sales within this one year.

We came out some solutions to tackle their issue where the main point is to boost up the sales rate. The first step is to clarify what kind of target audience range we are targeting. As what we had stated above, we are targeting college and university students. The main reason is we think that it is a bright way to tackle their market as they’re free in a way, yet busy for studies. They do not earn their own money thus they don’t really care of spending it much. Their time is usually flexible so they can spend more time anywhere they like especially in fast food restaurants. Since we already decided which market we are tackling, which is the college and university students, we’ll work base on their attitude, lifestyle, trend, and so on. Study on these consumers’ behaviors.

Students are always in trend of what’s happening around them. Thus we can tackle from this particular point where we could grab their attention. Create a buzz would definitely grab their attentions. Some advertising strategy such as Guerilla Marketing might help in our solutions.

Further studies will be made later on as there are so many ways of solutions in this market.

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